2024 was absolutely the year of the banger for me. As you may know, I’m a big fan of punk rock, and this year we were absolutely spoiled dirty with new releases from FIDLAR, Johnny Mafia, Kapichi, IDLES, Bad Nerves & more. I’d figure I’d give you a list of my top 10 favorite songs of the previous year, to kick off this blog that I’ll probably abandon in the next couple of days.
If you want to feed our algorithmic overlords, you can check out my favorite 2024 releases on this Spotify playlist:
10. Chien Méchant – Nuit Blanche
Chien Méchant are a duo from France who play funky electronic music. Saw them open for MEZERG in Lausanne, and honestly I thought their set was absolutely fantastic. I love MEZERG, but live drums really do bring something extra to the table. Also, the vocals are nice and give an extra catchy element to the songs. A band definitely worth following, I think they’re going to be pretty big.
9. IDLES – Gift Horse
For me, IDLES will always have a place in my heart. What a band. Saw them live 4 times, and each time was an eye-opening experience. However, I do feel like they have a record pattern that goes something like this:
- Release a banger album with catchy & brilliant tunes (Joy As An Act Of Resistance)
- Gain confidence, write a more conceptual album with far-fetched sounds (Ultra Mono)
- Album a bit too weird & edgy, not everyone understands
- Write a new banger album, with catchy & brilliant tunes (Crawler)
Which means we are now in a more conceptual album phase. POP POP POP is a great song, but it’s also very weird if I say so. But that’s what we love about IDLES, they are creative behemoths who are absolutely serving the punk music scene by pushing boundaries and writing unique songs. But hey, not going to lie, I love “Gratitude”, “POP POP POP” and “Hall & Oates”, but these are songs that I love in the context of an album listen or a live show. I don’t find myself putting these songs in any playlists. I wouldn’t call them “bangers”, which isn’t necessarily bad: it’s just that they tickle a very specific part of my brain that doesn’t require tickling in my day-to-day (if that makes any sense).
“Gift Horse” from their latest album does tickle my pickle though. I just love the “LOOK AT HIM GOOOO” parts, the verses are great, and more importantly the “WATCH WATCH MY MY STEED STEED” parts in the pre-chorus are simply brilliant. And live, that song is absolutely a mosher.
8. Wine Lips – Burn The Witch
Saw Wine Lips for the first time at the PALP Festival here in Valais, and it’s absolutely everything I love in a punk/garage band. Fast guitars, trucker hats, moustaches and sideburns, distorted vocals, super catchy riffs. After hearing them live, I checked out their 2024 album and the opening track is probably the song that stands out the most for me on their record. I love long build-ups, and I think opening their album with this was a great idea. The intro is very well executed, and it just hypes me up for the rest of their songs.
7. Dead Poet Society – My Condition
While writing this, I’m seeing the music video for the first time. God damn what a video, you definitely have to watch it.
I really enjoy this song, it’s the type of feel good song that makes me think that everything is going to be OK. Everything you want from an indie song: catchy, smooth, perfect to listen to while driving home from an amazing day with friends.
(The music video at 2:40 omg)
6. Kid Kapichi – Get Down
I have no idea what’s making that sound at the beginning. I have no idea how the absurd guitar riff during the verse works so well. The production is insane, the lyrics are brilliantly silly, the chorus is straight up banger.
And yeah, I should definitely watch more music videos. These types of “single shot” videos are always so entertaining.
5. Twenty One Pilots – Navigating
Twenty One Pilots are huge, and they deserve every bit of success they get. I know, I know: you may think they are too mainstream for your niche evolved taste, but please move past that thank you. If you don’t listen to something because it’s “mainstream”, you’re simply letting the masses dictate your taste (which is what you’re trying to avoid no?).
Anyway, the song is absolutely brilliant, catchy, and perfect to run to (yeah, I go for runs, look how healthy I am).
4. The Meseeks – Bleach
My darlings from The Meseeks aren’t very well known compared to Twenty One Pilots, obviously. They are from the german speaking part of Valais (where I come from), and they just released a new EP in 2024. Honestly, they are easily my favorite punk rock band from the country. A perfect blend of melodies & post-punk vibes. I always am so impressed by the sound of their recording, and their debut title “Bleach” from their latest EP is absolutely killer. I love songs where you hear the chorus in a “light” version, before hearing the chorus kick in in full with guitars/drums. Well done guys, love you <3
I just wanna have fun my dudes
2. Linkin Park – The Emptiness Machine
The internet drama about how “Chester can never be replaced” is unbelievably stupid and honestly, for me, a huge lack of respect to the memory of Linkin Park’s previous singer. As a musician myself, I would never want my band to stop playing music if I was no longer there. The new single of Linkin Park is absolutely brilliant: the chorus melody is perfect, Emily’s voice is top notch. There’s absolutely no fat on this song, I’m looking forward to singing this loudly for years to come.
1. Bad Nerves – You’ve Got The Nerve
And in the number one spot for me, we’ve got “You’ve Got The Nerve” from the debut album of UK’s Bad Nerves. Honestly, I’ve listened to this song 38 times the first day I heard it (Spotify was very kind to point that out to me). The entire album is killer, and I implore you to check it out. Television is probably my 2nd favorite track of the album (not that anybody asked).
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